EM38 Sled

EM38 Sled

Did you know Ramsey Bros have their own EM38 sled and can map Electrical Conductivity (EC) of the soils on your farm?

Electro Magnetic surveys (EM38) measure soil EC allowing soil variability to be mapped. EM adds another complementary data layer to the toolbox, allowing growers to make informed decisions about their farm management and input practices.

Customers on the EP are finding these maps useful to aid in locating the best areas for Soil Amelioration, whether that be delving, ripping or spreading.


Benefits of EM mapping:

  • Identifying areas that are susceptible to yield-limiting constraints, allowing targeted management decisions,
  • Establish appropriate soil sampling locations, to optimise nutrient inputs,
  • Adding another level of accuracy to variable rate applications,
  • Identifying the most suitable location for soil moisture probes and other monitoring equipment.

EM Mapping is a reliable option for soil condition assessment and paddock zoning according to soil type. It’s an effective way of measuring soil texture, moisture, and salinity to enable growers to manage certain areas of their paddocks in accordance with the soil types.  


This information is important for the application of ameliorants (lime/gypsum or organic matter), fertiliser, irrigation, and other inputs. When the map is ground truthed with soil samples, it provides growers with an accurate representation of what is happening in the soil profile as opposed to just the soil surface.

Request Mapping

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