The navigation, sensing and monitoring technology being used in Precision Agriculture can produce a large amount of data for a farming business. Data management addresses the need for this information to be well organised, in the correct format and backed up. Data can be stored in this format for processing now or at a later date.
Our data plans can help.
Ramsey Bros data management plans bring together all the navigation, sensing and monitoring information you gather in the field into a well organised format that is easy to interpret and most importantly, backed up.
Flexible plans start from a per-hectare rate for basic yield data through to comprehensive analysis including crop biomass, inputs, field structure and more.
*EM38 – EM mapping stands for electromagnetic mapping. Commonly in Australia we use EM38, which is a source of technology. EM sends signals into the soil. Depending on the soil type, that ranges from a metre down to a metre and a half. It’s measuring subsoil constraints. The big drivers are moisture, texture and salinity.
**NDVI – Is a common measure in remote sensing for agriculture — capturing how much more near infrared light is reflected compared to visible red. It helps differentiate bare soil from grass or forest, detect plants under stress, and differentiate between crops and crop stages.
***PCT Ag – a data doftware program.
****SATAMAP – Satamap Global is a web based platform for viewing and analysing satellite imagery available anywhere in the world. It is designed for farmers, consultants and other professionals that want to excel at decision making in agriculture and the environment.
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